Grajewo, Poland, October 3rd – 7th, 2022

The third learning activity from the project LANGUAGE LEARNING VIA LITERATURE with the title Nature from the Eyes of Literature: Addressing Environmental Issues with the Help of Literary Works was organized in Szkola Podstawowa nr 1 im. K.I.
Galczynskiego w Grajewie where SCIENTIA NOVA Association participated as project partner organization.

Be Eco-Friendly Workshop: „Reuse plastic is fantastic” . Presentation about recycling and workshop.
Workshop – designing the „Unity Room”.
„Discover Grajewo” visiting interesting places on foot.
GIH Museum of History of Grajewo.
Museum of Milk.
Landscapes Writing Workshop: students were writing a short story taken place in an unpleasant environment. They exchanged their stories and rewrote them in a wonderful landscape.
Global Warming Workshop – students designed brochures how to prevent global warming.
Study visits: Museum of K.I. Gałczyński – Pranie, Museum of K.I. Gałczyński, Galindia etc.
„Conscious Kids” Gruop Workshop – The students prepared warnings together in groups such as „Turn off the lights” etc. and we put them at school.
Presentation by Polish students about the illnesses caused by the pollution.
Study trip to Białystok: Branicki Palace, Museum of Army, Museum of Podlasie.
Field trip to Biebrza National Park in Osowiec, Movie about the park, visiting park with English speaking guides, „Treasure Hunt” and international Bonfire.
Visits in Warsaw: Royal Castle, Kopernik Science Centre.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.