Youth in Action to Learn About Human rights aims at generating spaces for reflection among young Europeans on the situation of refugees (Saharawi & others) to share experiences and foster awareness and social denunciation.

Date: 2022

Venue: Rubí, Barcelona, Spain

1.0. Understanding the situation of refugees with different circumstances around the world.

1.0. Understanding the Sahara’s conflict and constructing a critical opinion on the subject.
1.1. Promoting the discussion about different political, social and humanitarian conflicts around the world.
1.2. Becoming aware of the importance of political interests in the management of international conflicts.
1.3. Becoming aware of the influence of the media in approach to issues like the refugee crisis.
1.4. Raising awareness of the situation of refugees, particularly Saharawis.
1.5. Sharing knowledge, initiatives and projects carried out by different European countries.

Coordinator: Taller d’Art, Cultura i Creació

Project partner: SCIENTIA NOVA Association