News, Updates, & Resources
Local pilot project in Croatia from HOP – History of people project
From December 6th to 8th, 2024 Scientia Nova Association participated in an international meeting in Dubrovnik, Croatia as part of the project HOP – History of people. The aim of the meeting was to present the local pilot project "Three Stories about Gruž" of the host...
Local pilot project in Bulgaria from HOP – History of people project
As part of the Creative Europe project HOP – History of people, Scientia Nova Association participated in an international meeting in Ruse, Bulgaria. The aim of the meeting was to present the local pilot project of the host organization Development of Social...
Handbook of Good Practices within the project History of People
Read more about Good Practices for preserving and promoting cultural heritage in the product of several months of research in North Macedonia, Italy, Croatia and Bulgaria, in which our team was involved. Download the Handbook of Good Practices and learn more about the...
Testimonials from C6 Musicals and musical performances within the Erasmus+ project UNISON
Ribeira Grande, January, 2024 Testimonials from the participants during the rehearsals of the Opera "Sound and Soul" Erasmus+ project "Unison" C6 'Musicals and musical performances' organized and hosted by Musiquim - Associação Musicoteatral dos Açores in Ribeira...
YIM – Youth In Music
Erasmus+ Youth project Online project meeting for the youth project "YIM - Youth In Music" This project works with young musicians who will attend music camp in Italy. The project participants will: Perform on stage; Present and promote the national music abroad;...
Live streamed rehearsal Erasmus+ project "Unison" C6 'Musicals and musical performances' organized and hosted by Musiquim - Associação Musicoteatral dos Açores in Ribeira Grande, Azores, Portugal. Our artistic team together with the other teams prepare the stage for...
SCIENTIA NOVA Association participated in Youth Exchange “Time to Empathize”
Nuremberg, Germany, December 10th to 21st, 2023 The youth project 'Time to Empathize' was organized during December 10th -21st, 2023 in Nuremberg, Germany and SCIENTIA NOVA Association participated with 5 participants and a leader. There were activities with...
Toolkit with selection of Web, 3D, media and other digital tools for teachers and students as a project result in the Erasmus+ project “Innovative digital approaches in learning environment in European schools”
Here you can reach the Toolkit and the performance- and product-focused assessments models. The project "Innovative digital approaches in learning environment in European schools" was set up to offer to the students and teachers involved a new way of understanding...
SCIENTIA NOVA Association participated in Youth Exchange “Act with Art”
Nuremberg, Germany, December 4th to 10th, 2023 From December 4th to 10th, 2023, young people from 5 countries participated in numerous workshops within the Youth Exchange “Act with Art”. About the participation in this youth exchange and his impressions, Tome wrote:...
Erasmus+ project UNISON project: C5 Techniques of Drama and Self-Expression in Education
organized and hosted by - Centar izvrsnosti Splitsko-dalmatinske županije and Škola likovnih umjetnosti u Splitu in Split, Croatia. Our artistic team together with the other teams works on the creation of the Opera. They attend: Meeting with an opera student at Music...
Learning mobility
Partnerships for cooperation
Civil Society Cooperation in the field of Youth FPA
MK, Risto Miov, Kavadartsi 1430, N. Macedonia