Read more about Good Practices for preserving and promoting cultural heritage in the product of several months of research in North Macedonia, Italy, Croatia and Bulgaria, in which our team was involved.
Download the Handbook of Good Practices and learn more about the results of the research.
DOWNLOAD THE MANUAL HERE https://bit.ly/Handbook_HOP
You will find useful information here, for a new way of thinking and communicating cultural goods.
In the Handbook of Good Practices we presented the good practices of promoting cultural heritage in North Macedonia:
Galichnik Wedding Festival
Festivity in Kavadarci
Memorial rooms of Nikola Badev and Vasil Hadzimanov
SYSTASIS – ISSN 1857-5129
Heritage Education in North Macedonia and Classics: The Missing Link
International Festival of Ancient Play “Stobi” – Example of Good Practice #6
HERMES: “Guide for a high school trip through antiquity”
UT PICTURA LATINUM: Latin picture dictionary with ancient Greek, Macedonian, Albanian, Turkish and Romani parallels and examples

CREA-CULT-2022-COOP-1 – 101098484
Project partners:
Сдружение “Развитие на социалния капитал”
Associazione Culturale Eutopia
Muzej crvene povijesti / Red History Museum
Scientia Nova Association
#CreativeEurope #historyofpeople

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.