Here you can reach the Toolkit and the performance- and product-focused assessments models.

The project “Innovative digital approaches in learning environment in European schools” was set up to offer to the students and teachers involved a new way of understanding technology and how to use it in the classroom. Digital technology is of many children’s lives, they are surrounded by technology in form of smartphones, tablets, internet apps, video games, video entertainment, websites and even robots. Young people need to realize that what happens when they use technology is not magic, and they can create programs that can be useful. When students learn to use technology in the classroom and outside, they develop cognitive skills and methodological, problem solving process that resembles a computer.

This project improved teachers skills to use new and innovative education methods and techniques. Modern and interactive digital tools and Web, 3D and media technology helps the teachers to create a more appropriate education environment for students by providing them with an opportunity to design their own learning materials and to enrich their own curriculum.

This project contributes to achieving the EU goals by integrating the digital tools such as Coding, Web, 3D and media technology in the educational environment create more active and engaging classroom environment where students have more positive attitude towards each other, collaborative study, effective learning, analytical thinking, individual learning, student responsibility etc. Students learn literacy in technology and become motivated and volunteered for their lessons, because of the work for the focused product. The teachers integrated product-focused assessment and not a standardized assessment by gathering more information in a shorter time, making assessments faster and using time more efficiently.

As project results we developed innovative methodologies – introducing new methods and innovations into a platform (Toolkit) with selection of Web, 3D, media and other digital tools and applications to be used by students and teachers to learn, present results of their work, asses etc. Also, we developed integrated performance- and product-focused assessments models as non-standardized learning assessment.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.