Erasmus+ project “UNISON”, September 22, 2023
Virtual meeting for presenting the project partners’ culture, tangible and intangible. The project partners from North Macedonia, Azores Portugal and Croatia presented their tangible and intangible cultural heritage . We used this event to share good practice and outcomes between the projects that have been implementing in SCIENTIA NOVA Association and to disseminate the European projects within our partners’ network.

Тhanks to the project Metaversing – Civil Society Cooperation in the field of Youth FPA 2023 and the coordinator AIFED from Granada, Spain who prepared the virtual conference room for the project partners in UNISON, we presented the invaluable cultural heritage from North Macedonia, Azores – Portugal and Croatia. The Metaversing project brought the young people from UNISON, a youth project, closer to the virtual world that we can enter using a set of technological and digital devices and offered a new experience in this new virtual reality.

With this event, we connected the cultural and artistic sectors and the digital transformation where the young artists, performers, cultural workers saw how the access to technologies and the digital world can be improved for developing and promoting the young and emerging artists, cultural and many other issues.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.