Creative Europe

Creative Europe

Creative Europe project “HOP – History of People”

CREA-CULT-2022-COOP-1 - 101098484 With the project History of People - HOP, an innovative methodology is shaped that combines scientific data and objective information with storytelling and performance, so to target different audiences and propose ad hoc created...

Online project meeting for the Creative Europe project “HOP – History of People”

CREA-CULT-2022-COOP-1 – 101098484 At the online project meeting of the Creative Europe project "HOP - History of People" on April 04, 2023 the project partners: had discussion about the Communication and Dissemination strategy; worked on good practices and the...

History of People – EXCHANGE OF PRACTICE Nr. 1

Project meeting in Ruse (Bulgaria), 18–22/04/2023 In April 2023 we had the mobility to Ruse, Bulgaria for the Exchange of Good practice planned for all project partner countries. Our participants learnt about the cultural heritage of Bulgaria and more detailed, the...

History of People – EXCHANGE OF PRACTICE Nr. 2

Project meeting in San Benedetto del Tronto (Italy), 4–7/05/2023 In May 2023 we had the mobility to San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy for the Exchange of practice planned for all project partner countries. Our participants learnt about the cultural heritage of Italy and...

Third online project meeting for the Creative Europe project “History of People”

CREA-CULT-2022-COOP-1 – 101098484 At the third online project meeting of the Creative Europe project “HOP – History of People” on May 22, 2023 the project partners: talked about the Agenda the mobility in North Macedonia and the final arrangements for the mobility;...

History of People – EXCHANGE OF PRACTICE Nr. 3

Project meeting in Kavadarci, North Macedonia 21–23/07/2023 In July 2023 we organized the meeting in Kavadarci, North Macedonia for the Exchange of practice planned for all project partner countries. All participants learnt about the cultural heritage of North...

Green Deal Policy 2023/2024

Handbook of Good Practices within the project History of People

Read more about Good Practices for preserving and promoting cultural heritage in the product of several months of research in North Macedonia, Italy, Croatia and Bulgaria, in which our team was involved. Download the Handbook of Good Practices and learn more about the...

Learning mobility

The Importance of Play

Training course for Youth Workers within the frame of Erasmus+ Dates: 18th -25th November 2019 Venue: New Lanark, Scotland, UK. The main objectives of the project are; • To Empower youth practitioners/volunteers to explore and integrate different innovative and...

Social Inclusion Through Music

Dates: APV: Project date: 03/07/2021 Youth Exchange: Project date: 05/07/2021 – 09/07/2021 Venue: Spinea, Venice, Italy "Social Inclusion through Music" focuses on the cultural, historical and social aspect of music. Young people from the Republic of North Macedonia,...

Youth in Action to Learn About Human rights

Youth in Action to Learn About Human rights aims at generating spaces for reflection among young Europeans on the situation of refugees (Saharawi & others) to share experiences and foster awareness and social denunciation.Date: 2022 Venue: Rubí, Barcelona, Spain...

Body positive

Body positivity stands for acceptance and appreciation of all human body types, as well as inclusion of all genders, ages, races, people with disabilities. There are a lot of reasons to promote body positivity within youth work and education. Body positivity helps us...

Alternative Contexts for the use of Innovative Tools

Dates: 01.-08.10.2021 Venue: Spinea, Venice, Italy Objectives: to create alternative contexts for the use of innovative and inclusive online and offline tools for young people. to support the quality work of young people towards integrating young people with...

📢 Youth Exchange “FAKE NEWS”

📍 Where? Naples, Italy📆 When? October 04th - 10th 2022 6 participants + 1 leader from North Macedonia are participating in the Youth Exchange in Torre del Greco, Naples, Italy.

📢 Youth Exchange “FAKE NEWS”

📍 Where? Naples, Italy📆 When? October 04th - 10th 2022 Torre del Greco е местото каде што се одвиваше младинската размена поддржана од страна на „Еразмус +”. Од 4 октомври до 10 октомври 2022 година. Младинци од 7 држави учествуваа на различен број на работилници на...

“Enhancing young people’s critical thought and media awareness” KA152-YOU

Participation in an international project within the Erasmus+ program, Program KA152-YOU. In the period from December 14th to December 22nd 2022, representatives from SCIENTIA NOVA and vocational secondary school ‘Gjorche Petrov’ Kavadarci took part in the...

Youth Exchange “NO WATER, NO LIFE”

Where? Spinea, Venice, Italy When? May 2 - 11, 2023 "Spinea, Venice, Italy is the place where the youth exchange supported by "Erasmus +" took place. From 2 to 11 May 2023. Young people from 6 countries participated in different number of workshops on the topic: NO...

Partnerships for cooperation

MARKA: Innovation and inclusion in the construction of an identity curriculum

Erasmus+ Programme – Strategic Partnership for innovation in school education. 2020 – 2023 This project embraces Social Inclusion, Innovative Practices in a Digital Era and Social and Educational value of European Cultural Heritage. Its main objective is innovation...

L’Occhio del Testimone – The Witness’ Eye

2021-2022 MAIN OBJECTIVES of this project are: to combine the need of cultural operators and artists, with the need for teachers and educators; to stimulate the attention of students in this critical context, both in the teaching "in presence" and "remotely". Teachers...

Innovative digital approaches in learning environment in European schools

2021-2023 Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships in school education The project "Innovative digital approaches in learning environment in European schools" is set up to offer to the students and teachers involved a new way of understanding technology and how to use it in...

Digital Games Treasury and Library

DIGITAL: DIGITAL TREASURE AND LIBRARY ERASMUS PROJECT 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000032557 This project has aims to ensure digital transformation and add an attribution to the education that was largely affected by Covid-19 Epidemic, to change innovative practices in...

Language Learning via Literature

2021-2023 Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships in school education The main components of this project are literature and technology through which the project partners would like to achieve creating more sophisticated teaching- learning atmospheres for the sake of...

Sustainability as the art … of resilience

The project “Sustainability as the art ... of resilience” ( has project partners Ten For Sustainability (Project Applicant and Coordinator, Italy), Scientia Nova Associationa (The Republic of North Macedonia), AIFED -...

First transnational project meeting of the project ‘Innovative digital approaches in learning environment in European schools’.

This kick-off transnational project meeting took place in Izmir. On the meeting were discussed the project activities in the first year, scheduled the mobilities and divided tasks between the project partners. This meeting was organized on January 10th-11th. Funded by...

Civil Society Cooperation in the field of Youth FPA

METAVERSING – Civil Society Cooperation in the field of Youth FPA

Project No. 101121693 METAVERSING – Civil Society Cooperation in the field of Youth FPA Aifed from Granada, Spain is leading the network composed by 12 organizations in Europe, developing activities for Youth Organizations, in The Metaverse and face to face. SCIENTIA...


Creative Europe project “HOP – History of People”

CREA-CULT-2022-COOP-1 - 101098484 With the project History of People - HOP, an innovative methodology is shaped that combines scientific data and objective information with storytelling and performance, so to target different audiences and propose ad hoc created...






MK, Risto Miov, Kavadartsi 1430, N. Macedonia