
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships in school education

The project “Innovative digital approaches in learning environment in European schools” is set up to offer to the students and teachers involved a new way of understanding technology and how to use it in the classroom. When students learn to use technology in the classroom and outside, they develop cognitive skills and methodological, problem solving process that resembles a computer. Coding promotes algorithmic thinking which students use especially with math and science.


  • introducing new innovative performance- and product-focused assessment for improvement of teachersβ€˜ teaching methods integrated in various subjects;
  • learning how to make the educational environment more attractive and enjoyable by integrating media and web tool;
  • supporting teachers in adopting collaborative and innovative practices;
  • implementation of innovative practices in the field of digitalization;
  • helping learning teachers to acquire digital skills and learning methods;
  • supporting teachersβ€˜ professional development through interchange of good practice.

Coordinator: OGRES TEHNIKUMS, Latvia.

Project partner: SCIENTIA NOVA Association, N. Macedonia.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.