News, Updates, & Resources
Erasmus+ project UNISON project: C5 Techniques of Drama and Self-Expression in Education
organized and hosted by - Centar izvrsnosti Splitsko-dalmatinske županije and Škola likovnih umjetnosti u Splitu in Split, Croatia. Our artistic team together with the other teams works on the creation of the Opera. They attend: Meeting with an opera student at Music...
‘MARKA App for orienteering’
MARKA project - Innovation and inclusion in the construction of an identity curriculum has two project results and we present here one - ‘MARKA App for orienteering’ The contents in the MARKA App are created by the European project partners from North Macedonia,...
Green Deal Policy 2023/2024
Digital Games Treasury and Library project – TPM 5
Transnational project meeting 5 “Evaluation of the project results production - Digital games” The transnational project meeting took place at the University of Iasi, Romania. 23.-24.10.2023 Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those...
Metaversing – Civil Society Cooperation in the field of Youth FPA 2023 On October 20th, within the Metaversing project, Scientia Nova Association organized a meeting between Youth and teachers and various stakeholders from the private and public sectors in a relation...
Final Transnational Project Meeting: Final assessment regarding the quality of the project’s management and outcomes, preparing the final report
Erasmus+ project: Innovative digital approaches in learning environment in European schoolsSplit, Croatia, October 13th – 14th, 2023 This transnational project meeting was organized for final assessment regarding the quality of the project’s management and outcomes,...
Final transnational project meeting of the project Language Learning via Literature
in Brasov, Romania On September 19th - 21st Scientia Nova Association attended the final transnational project meeting of the project Language Learning via Literature in Brasov, Romania. The activities on the meeting were: Analysis of the project's activities and...
Virtual meeting for presenting the project partners’ culture, tangible and intangible for UNISON project
Erasmus+ project "UNISON", September 22, 2023 Virtual meeting for presenting the project partners' culture, tangible and intangible. The project partners from North Macedonia, Azores Portugal and Croatia presented their tangible and intangible cultural heritage . We...
Erasmus+ project UNISON: C3 – PERFORMANCES AND THEATRE WORKSHOPS, Performance-oriented approach, Shadow Theatre and Forum Theatre
Ponta Delgada, Azores, August 27th till September 1st, 2023 The third learning activity within the Erasmus+ project UNISON titled "PERFORMANCES AND THEATRE WORKSHOPS, Performance-oriented approach, Shadow Theatre and Forum Theatre" was organized in Ribeira Grande, Sao...
History of People – EXCHANGE OF PRACTICE Nr. 3
Project meeting in Kavadarci, North Macedonia 21–23/07/2023 In July 2023 we organized the meeting in Kavadarci, North Macedonia for the Exchange of practice planned for all project partner countries. All participants learnt about the cultural heritage of North...
Learning mobility
Partnerships for cooperation
Civil Society Cooperation in the field of Youth FPA
MK, Risto Miov, Kavadartsi 1430, N. Macedonia