17.11.2022, Granada, Spain.
The second transnational project meeting of the project “Sustainability as the art … of resilience” (www.tenforsustainability.eu/SustainArt.html) has been held on Thursday 17th and Friday 18th November 2022 in Granada (Spain), with participants from the following organizations: Ten For Sustainability (Project Applicant and Coordinator, Italy), Challedu (Greece), Geoclube – Associação Juvenil de Ciência, Natureza e Aventura (Portugal), Asociatia de Dezvoltare Intercomunitara Harghita (Romania), Scientia Nova (The Republic of North Macedonia), AIFED – Asociacion de Innovacion Formaciony Empleo para el Desarrollo Sostenible (Spain) as the meeting hosting partner.
The project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.

The project stems from the perspective that the resilience literacy, as the capacity of people to creatively adapt, can be activated and accessed by using art and culture contents and toolset as an essential dimension, referring to art and culture both in their universal sense, as well as how to arts-based culture public perception and experience are shaped.

The transnational project meeting has been an opportunity for the participants and their respective organizations to share the outcomes of the performed research and needs assessment activities towards the identification and exchange of good practices having focused, among others, on the following:
- level of engagement of Partners’ in relation to improving Resilience within their strategies, operations and educational provisions, either in connection to art or not; eventual internal barriers to such engagement;
- how to build the capacity and facilitate awareness towards the connection between art/creativity and environmental sustainability in view of adoption by the Partners; which contents, toolsets, methods?
Following the two days of meeting works, the following meeting’s outcomes are worth to be highlighted: - the Alhambra, the most renowned monument in Granada, can be singled out as a symbol, as a living example of art helping to shape the resilience of a population over the centuries: Granada can be studied as an example of resilient city, were the monuments were not destroyed by different conquerors over the centuries, rather the cultural-artistic symbols (such as for instance the Alhambra) were preserved, to offer still today an unsurpassable aesthetic emotion. In this sense art can be sensed as a real meeting point of cultures and peoples, also and especially for young people for which symbolic communication, also through images can have a stronger impact than other communications tools.
- improving resilience within partner organizations is an everyday task consisting of a mix of formal team building activities, of non-formal approaches (gaming, storytelling, improvisation) and concrete solution for instance to help staff members decrease the environmental impacts through energy saving tips, use of public transport, going paper-less, encourage work from home; in this perspective some of the measures adopted to face the covid19 pandemic can be helpful in the current energy crisis.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.